सी.एम. दुबे स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय

(यूजीसी अधिनियम 2(एफ) और 12(बी) के तहत, एनसीटीई द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त, एबीवी यूनिवर्सिटी बिलासपुर (छ.ग.) से संबद्ध)

C M Dubey Post Graduate College


Principal's Message

Dear Students,

I want to remind you that your education is one of the most important investments you can make in yourself. It is more than just obtaining a degree; it is about acquiring knowledge, skills, and experiences that will shape your future and help you reach your goals.

As your principal, I encourage you to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities available to you at Our College. Attend classes regularly, participate in discussions, ask questions, seek help when needed, and always strive to do your best in your studies.

Our College is currently progressing towards comprehensive development under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Sanjay Dubey, our dedicated and visionary Chairman of the Governing Body. Our qualified professors deliver quality teaching across various subjects, ensuring you receive the best education possible. The sports department is committed to nurturing excellent sports talents, while the NCC, NSS, and Red Cross units continuously work to develop your goal-oriented personalities, employable skills, and social service qualities.

In the current session, we are offering various vocational courses under the National University Student Skill Development Programme. These courses, along with certificate, diploma, and PG options, provide you with the necessary skills to either secure a job through our placement cell or start your own business.

Remember, I am here to support you every step of the way. Together, let us work towards creating a bright and successful future for you.


Dr. Sanjay Singh


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